
藝術家書籍《鳥落地後 After a bird fell down》




It’s a story about seeds germinating after a bird died and fell down onto the ground.
It’s a book about the end but also the beginning of life.
It’s a picture book and also an artist’s book.



《鳥落地後》從繪本及藝術家書籍(artist’s book)的觀點出發,著眼於書籍自身的構成特性及邏輯型態,結合洞洞書與立體書的設計,將「書頁體積」拉進敘事的一環。








A dead bird is gradually decomposing, and the seeds in its belly slowly germinate at the same time.”
Except for words and pictures, how can one tell such a short story?

From the point of view of picture books and artist’s books, After a bird fell down focuses on the book’s structural characteristics and logic. By combining characteristics of hole books and pop-up books, After a bird fell down adopts “volume of book pages” into its narrative. While reading, readers would find out the hole bigger and the sprout taller page by page.

Via increase and decrease of its volume, this book want to bring out the plot and core concept: “there are two sides to life.”, and make readers realize that time passing are not simply about reduction and death. Increase and birth are also what time passing brings.

About design, I chose A6 size, which readers can put my book on both their palms, with thickness which is almost three centimeters. I attempt to make book size as big as a dead bird. While readers turn each page and make my book thinner, they can feel that the body of a bird gradually disappears at the same time.

Second, in terms of color, I make the whole book purely white as possible. I hope such kind of emptiness could make readers relate to “time,” something we cannot see but can feel. Besides, I leave no words on book cover. Instead, I deboss the cover with a rectangular pit and place a transparent sticker printed with a green feather inside. It looks like a photo frame sealing a feather, which symbolizing this book treasures the death of the bird in this story.

Third, I choose paper with sand-like texture for the cover. I hope readers can feel like touching the ground–that is, where this story happens.

Last, I decorate copyright page with blue sky and make it the very beginning of this story. So, when readers open this book, they would not only read the sentence, “A bird fell down onto the ground,” they can dive into this story from the bird’s-eye view from the sky.


Design|SUWEI 蘇維
Paper|長瑩 Matter 白 125g、恆成 新浪厚卡 350g、白卡51T
Photo|Mo Chien

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